Though the weather outside is frightful, one of the coziest feelings in the wintertime is to step from the cold outdoors into a warm, heated house. This heat, however, can have its drawbacks. For many of you, it will cause dry, itchy skin. Continue Reading »
Nineteenth century British writer Jane Austen said, “There is nothing like staying at home for real comfort.” Some of you may love the notion, but the fact is indoor allergies can make for a miserable environment, even when you are not aware that is the cause of your discomfort. Continue Reading »
Do you suffer from chronic bloating and gas? If so, you may possibly have a food intolerance. Continue Reading »
We have spent all winter indoors, watching and longing for that summer world depicted in every laundry detergent commercial: an open field of green grass and wildflowers, a blue sky dominated by a shining sun and peppered by white clouds, butterflies fluttering about aimlessly, and a carefree soul running barefoot through it in slow motion. Continue Reading »
It’s the “re” time of year again: a time of rebirth, renewal, and reorganizing (usually the closets). Between vegetation emerging from the freshly melted snow and the ritual many know as “spring cleaning,” there are so many opportunities to come across something your system finds unappealing and against which it wants to rebel. Do you find this time of year uncomfortable? Do you have trouble breathing, feel irritable and fatigued, or maybe even develop a rash or itchy skin around this time of year? Has spring become your least favorite season? Continue Reading »
BLOATING: AN UNCOMFORTABLE TOPIC Like taxes, it happens to most of us from time to time. It is also just as unwelcomed, more intolerable, and less expected (at least with taxes, we know when the date is and can prepare!). Continue Reading »
I’VE GOT A (HAY) FEVER, AND THE ONLY PRESCRIPTION IS… As winter draws closer to its end, many mixed feelings begin to emerge. Spring in all of its glory brings rain showers, chirping birds, green grass, flowers, pollen, and, for some unfortunate people, seasonal hay fever. Continue Reading »
COLD OR ALLERGY: THE ETERNAL QUESTION Wintertime, for many people, signifies holiday fun, seasonal activities, and the comfort of curling up on the couch with a hot drink to watch the falling snow outside. For others, it means hours of shoveling, school closures, and that dreaded “yearly cold.”... but is that cold actually a cold, or an allergy in disguise? Ask yourself the following questions: Continue Reading »
According to recent studies, one in 13 children, under the age of 18, in the United States has at least one food allergy. Continue Reading »
A new study in the journal Pediatrics explores allergic reactions in pre-school aged children with food allergies. Over 500 infants, who were between the ages of 3 and 15 months when the study began, were followed for an average of three years. Continue Reading »